Saturday, September 20, 2008

Horrible might be the word to describe my results this time round (and the past year), but I'm not going to give up. i repeat. I am NOT, NOT GOING TO GIVE UP.

no, I'm going to WORK EVEN HARDER. make full use of these 30 days and strategize, study well and not just study hard.

Somehow the VJC talk reminded me of how much I wanted to go there since I was primary 4. You might be rolling around the floor and laughing, but well, I've found encouragement from a few of my friends so yup, emma DON'T STOP BELIEVING!!! (that msn nick is gone though). Small chance of getting in given my current situation, but I don't care, I'm gonna work hard. Thanks ya'll, you know who you are right ^_^

About chem...i'll take some time to think about it. Drop or don't drop? Drop = more time for other subjects, more chances of getting the As, but an F9 in my cert. don't drop...chance of passing chem, but abit risky for the rest. Damn it.

I'm starting to feel REALLY REALLY guilty for being such a lazy arse for the past 2 years but that's the past and its too late for regret.

Just press on ya, everybody.

Well, funny its coming from me, the person causing her parents, teachers and friends to worry huh. My future is in my own hands so.....

I'm off ~

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